Viscount White round pillar square lamp

Lamp accessories.

The design of lamp accessories comes in a varied array of shapes and sizes. Intricate appearances are one of the distinctive features of these items which, over the years, have become very popular with customers. Some designs, while not obviously thought of for a lamp structure, have worked remarkably well. This is testimony to the imagination and creativity of the craftsman. Even when the sculptor reaches the zenith of his creative powers the choice of materials that he has to work with doesn’t diminish. Bronzes and organic polymers of the most beautiful quality are used to present a three dimensional model that entrails and captures the customer interest.

Many of these lamps which are sold at Balgriffin headstones in Dublin, have working components such as doors on small hinges that open to allow access to the decorative centerpiece usually of a flame or candle fashioned from glass. But what adds functionality to form is the solar panel on the top of certain pieces. This powers the centerpiece and lights it up to a gentle glow. To finish,  and probably most importantly, these accessories fit seamlessly into the space that is reserved for an appropriate accessory.

Lamp accessories

1. Lamp

2. Lamp

Lamp accessories

3. Lamp

4. Lamp

Lamp accessories

5. Lamp

6. Lamp

Lamp accessories

7. Lamp

8. Lamp

Lamp accessories

9. Lamp

10. Lamp

Lamp accessories

11. Lamp

12. Lamp

Lamp accessories

13. Lamp

14. Lamp

Lamp accessories

15. Lamp